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Creating Opportunities for Children to Explore Diversity and Inclusion through Sports

We talk a lot about diversity and inclusion, but what are they and why are they important for our children?

Diversity is the representation of all our varied identities and differences collectively and as individuals. 

Inclusion builds a culture of belonging by actively inviting and advocating for the contribution and participation of all people. 

Special Olympics Colorado Young Athletes is focused on bringing together children, ages 2-12, with and without intellectual disabilities in a fun sport and play environment. By participating in and learning basic sports skills together, children and their families support each other and learn to recognize the strength in their differences.

Young Athletes is available in preschools as well as in the community and the home. Programming is offered in a variety of delivery models such as free one day community “Learn to” sports events, non-competitive team opportunities, summer camps, and more. Guided by Special Olympics Colorado staff and volunteers, the Young Athletes that participate see fully inclusive, and diversity-positive behavior modeled by trusted adults. These immersive activities and environments give them tools that carry into other parts of their lives.

By embracing diversity and inclusion, Young Athletes are empowered to engage in their world with curiosity, confidence, and kindness. The hands-on experience makes all children better learners, allowing them to understand various subjects from multiple points of view. To learn more about Special Olympics Colorado Young Athletes, visit